Kozlar Highland

Kozlar Highland : Kozlar Highland, 19 km away from the Mut district, at an altitude of 1400 meters, at the summit of the Taurus Mountains, is one of the unique regions that have attracted attention recently. Kozlar Highland derived its name from ‘Koz’, which means ‘walnut’.

Adres: Mut – Kozlar Highland

Filming Permit Conditions: Governorship, Municipality,

District Police: Mut District Police Directorate

Municipality: Mut Municipality

Availability Hours: 24

Available Working Hours: 24

Sound Problems: None

Ground Problems: Rugged

Lift: N/A

Freight Lift: N/A

Authorized Person: N/A

Set (plato) Area: Available

Crew Area: Available

Make-up: N/A

Hairdresser's Room: N/A

Toilet: N/A




Light Availability: Daylight, area lighting

Accessibility: The distance to the city center is 214 km.

Distance from the airport: 256 km

Phone Lines: All phone lines are operational

Parking Space: Available

Authorized Person:

Plato Park Access: N/A

Truck Parking Space: Available

Authorized Person:

Load Entry Conditions:

Gate Size:

Stair Ramp: Available

Authorized Person:

Electric Amperes:


Distance to Plato: 500m

Is it Free to Use: Subject to Permit

Other Power Supplies:

Restaurants: There is one existing restaurant in the region.

Service Capacity: 50-100

Cab Stations: Mut Otogar Taxi 7/24

Accommodation Facilities: There is one hotel for accommodation in the area.


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