Caltıbuku Hydroelectric Power Plant Dam (Otluca Hydroelectric Power Plant)

Caltıbuku Hydroelectric Power Plant Dam (Otluca Hydroelectric Power Plant): Located on the Anamur Stream in the Anamur district. With an installed capacity of 47.70 MWe, the power plant is the 299th largest power plant in Türkiye and the 8th in Mersin. It is Mersin's 8th largest power plant. When only residential electricity consumption is considered, Otluca 1 and 2 Hydroelectric Power Plants generate electricity that can meet the electrical energy needs of 51,101 houses.


Adres: Anamur – Caltıbuku Hydroelectric Power Plant Dam

Filming Permit Conditions: Governorship, Municipality

District Police: Anamur District Police Directorate

Municipality: Anamur Municipality

Availability Hours: 24

Available Working Hours: 24

Sound Problems: None

Ground Problems: None

Lift: N/A

Freight Lift: N/A

Authorized Person:

Set (plato) Area: Available

Crew Area: Available

Make-up: N/A

Hairdresser's Room: N/A

Toilet: Available




Light Availability: Daylight, area lighting

Accessibility: The distance to the city center is 248 km. The region cannot be reached by city transportation.

Distance from the airport: 308 Km

Phone Lines: All phone lines are operational

Parking Space: No parking spaces are available in the vicinity of the area

Authorized Person:

Plato Park Access: N/A

Truck Parking Space:Available

Authorized Person:

Load Entry Conditions:

Gate Size:

Stair Ramp:

Authorized Person:

Electric Amperes:


Distance to Plato:

Is it Free to Use: Subject to Permit

Other Power Supplies:

Restaurants There are no restaurants in and around Caltıbuku Hydroelectric Power Plant Dam.

Service Capacity: 250-500

Cab Stations: Anamur Taxi

Accommodation Facilities: Çaltıbükü hes barajı No accommodation is available in the vicinity of Caltıbuku Hydroelectric Power Plant Dam. Guests may stay in the Anamur district.

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